
I am a traveler far and wide,
My travails have crossed the great divide,
And yet my journeys do not seem to bide,
For never did I find a place to reside.

A thousand vales have seen my stride,
Millions of miles do my footsteps hide,
And yet am I still on this unending ride,
Driven to wander by my incessant pride.

I have seen paradise from all its sides,
Swam through hell's infernal tide,
And yet no inkling these episodes provide,
On thoughts or wisdom for my travel's guide.

I looked for knowledge I really tried,
Learned all I can till my brains were fried,
And yet am I lost and still mystified,
Roaming here and there as I silently cried.

This is the story that reality connived,
A library of fables timelessly contrived,
And yet no ending have my tales compiled,
Just endless commutes with no stops implied.

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