Out Cold

I am out cold
by the roadside
in the rain
shivering my pains
punched out by life
left to freeze
on my own
without recourse
just a mountain of doubts.

They shut me out
life did
left me behind
aimless upon land
sinking upon seas
alone within this pit
a bottomless abyss
to suffer without bliss
in the darkness of hate.

It was a drastic fall
the calamity complete
no one to understand my thoughts
nor any to catch my fall
but a long, long drop
off the edge
into the endless nights
lonely days
the empty sadness in between.

I am bleeding life
yet no one cares
no one dared
no one to find me
thus I remain
ever lost
ever always
in this maze
the labyrinthine hallways.

What one may ask
in life a chance
to find redemption
or a place to rest
a home to belong to
a trade or repast
a love to cling to
understanding at best
some happiness due
and peace at mind.

But I am out cold
punched out by life
left out in the rain
to shiver in my pains
shut out by the world
I find no repast
no meager understanding
nor a measure of rest
left alone to fall
into the darkest pit
I remain withall
lost and incomplete.

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