What a Friend is Worth

T'was a difficult question
to ask what a friend is worth
but tis' not a Maggi's packet
nor the Angiospermae of this earth

It lies somewhere in between
what was, is and perhaps
when "nothing and everything"
did once almost collide

"chance" some might say
but from your very mouth "it's fate"
when a soul became the signpost
to guide another to his faith

how do you describe joys
to those encased in sadness
how do paint the colours
to those whose sight are covered

how do you breathe the freshness
of air to lungs who covet
how do you catch hold of sunshine
and put them in your pocket

tis' difficult to describe
what holds and have you complete
but perhaps to say that its loss
will see you empty, void and irreplete.

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