There I live upon a hill

There I live upon a hill,
On which my castle stood.
Clad in armor of egoed steel,
Hiding in a dark hypocritic hood.

Indifferent walls surround my keep,
Keeping out things I do not want to meet.
Impassive towers guard my sleep,
Keeping me safe from reality's treat.

Sharp witted arrows arm my speech,
Cutting through emotions that rises near.
Catapults of humor keeps out of reach,
Any feelings that might try to appear.

No windows decorate my walls,
Nor are there doors to grace my keep.
I will be safe here in my halls,
For there are no entry to my sanctum deep.

There will I live upon a hill,
On which my castle stood.
For the world forever and always will,
Be a place that I have never understood.

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