Lost Echoes

I was born out of immaculate desire
conceived upon the eaves of absolute perfection
fathered by the quickenings of hope
lofty ambition was my birth mother
alas this cumbersome existance
is just a borrowed splendour
a crafty reflection of what I thought
nothing more and none other
what ripples that may
have long since subsided
what echoes that remain
are lost in the distant void
subsumed by the tenors
the bitter notes of fate
the malignant melody of chance
the cold blare of harsh reality
and as the last of my echo bounces
upon the last few surfaces before it vanishes
I lay aside these heavy reins
and let the darkness engulf
as I like my pathetic echoes
subsume into unknown reaches
slowly and slowly ever so slightly
upon fragile winds and delicate vapors
into the embracing silence
of vanishing echoes.

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