Pendekar Melayu Turun Ke Gelanggang (In English)

The Malay warrior,
descending to the ring.
His dagger asunder,
long Kris unsheathing.

Dancing the rhythm,
stepping in cadence.
A floral arrangement,
but a strong deadly stance.

For my country's grandeur,
the the Sultan's royal grace.
all enemies that appear,
shall I conquer and disgrace.

Bloodied besmear,
besplattered by blood.
All acts of censure,
will I oppose and fight.

For the honour of Malays,
my nation's divine pride.
My life do I lay,
upon this sacrificial slab.

The Malay Warrior,
descending to the ring,
through trails asunder,
till death comes keening.

* Malay version here

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