The Tale of Yaqjud-Maqjud And Alexander's Dome

In the mountains of the far east
in the lands of central Asia
there once was located a valley
populated by two tribes of warriors

"Yaqjud" was one named
the other called "Maqjud"
tribes of such violent means
that their tales are full of terrors

none dares to tread near
for within that dreaded vale
"Yaqjud-Maqjud" would let loose
on any that wanders close

such is their wicked and evil ways
that the lands over and beyond
are left behind abandoned in haste
none dare to settle anyplace here on

as the years drifted by
then comes the time of great Alexander
a great general gifted by god
a man destined to legends of valor

in his march across the world
conquest and victories in his wake
came Alexander to that vale
to meet with the tribes of "Yaqjud-Maqjud"

appalled he was by their devastation
such callous disregard for nature and humans
even he in his voracious campaigns
left rule and order in lands he conquered

reason he tried to inflict a settlement
and when that failed he resorted to coercion
but of no avail was his efforts to them
his words and actions gave no resolution

so Alexander pondered upon "Yaqjud-Maqjud"
until at last he decided to imprison them both
a dome he envisioned upon inspirations by God
to seal in the malcontents under metal and earth

a trench was dug around this vale of dread
to be filled by molten bronze, gold, copper and lead
a barrier of metal a hundred paces in stead
a wall a prison in the vale "Yaqjud-Maqjud" to be kept

after the massive walls were erected
screaming and howling was "Yaqjud-Maqjud"
damning the world and Alexander included
to suffer their wrath after their freedom concluded

then Alexander had his armies cast
molds of spherical cut dome pieces
giant structures to be contructed
to build a dome upon the walls that rises

piece by piece and one by one
the dome came to shape and the valley sealed up tight
amidst the howls the screams of "Yaqjud-Maqjud"
then earth was piled upon dome to seal their plight

imprisoned were the twin tribes
these arbiters of devastation
as Alexander sets a guard
upon the site of their domed prison

off went Alexander to his conquest of the world
until later was all forgotten
of the prison and "Yaqjud-Maqjud"
the watch he task to keep are left unbidden

while we forget this tale of dread
"Yaqjud-Maqjud" in their prison sleep did not
scratching and eating their way through
tunneling the walls as they patiently dig out

as they are left imprisoned in the darkness
as monsters they became cannibals by need
as they worked tirelessly to break out
they eat their own dead as sustenance to their creed

as pale as death, nails sharpened by tasks
as hungry as hell, ravenous by need to feed
their teeth drips with blood of the dead they did eat
what terrors they become should into the world they freely slip

after destroying what was left in their prison their vale
they now look forward to devastate the world at bliss
what beast they will be what monsters from nightmare hails
the vanguard of "Dajal's" armies that one-eyed spawn of "Iblis"

for in the ending of days the time of Armageddon
shall the foul "Yaqjud-Maqjud" brings terror and bloodbath
as they are loosed onto this pristine earth
eating all in their wake consuming all in their paths

of those to be saved are only those who beheld to faith
remaining strong in their worships to God
or those who gave in to the "Dajal's" sweet staves
those who are lost forever to "Ibliss's" thrall

but these tales must wait till the ending of days
the stories that will resound upon Armageddon's wake
for now the horde of "Yaqjud-Maqjud" awaits
tunneling out of their prison's slate.

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