Martial Glory

I am a man nothing more
ordinary and mundane.
With some wit a dash of lore
and a penchant to entertain.

But my hopes my glory
lies in martial dreams.
Oh how I wished literally
to burst history's seams.

To return and discover
the glory that war does bring.
Of honor and of valor
Oh! how sweetly will battle sing.

To ride the windy steppes
with the hordes of Genghis Khan.
Conquering the cities of Europe
with Attila and his Huns.

To be knighted by King Arthur
questing with his knights
For Charlemagne donning armor
a truly splendid sight.

To serve with Alexander
on his march across the world.
To follow Julius Ceasar
in his conquest of the Gauls.

To wield a sharp katana
with the samurais of Tokugawa.
To unify the kingdoms of China
under it's first divine emperor.

With Agamemnon swords drawn
onwards to Troy for Helen of reknown.
Arriving with Athenians in the dawn
to the battlefields of Marathon.

These countless tales of yore
the stories of untold valor.
Alas! only in dreams or literature
can these tales I really savor.

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